It may be useful to have a Plant Based Doctor that you can use for primary or specialty care. These doctors practice lifestyle medicine where their first course of treatment is with plants rather than pills. There are several websites that can help you locate plant based doctors in your area:
I had never heard of Kohlrabi before
seeing them at the Coppell Farmers Market. I was told it was a variety of cabbage and could be used on many ways.
Tonight I decided to just chop it up and air fryer it.
12 minutes at 300 in the air fryer. I’m sure I could have added spices and such. But I just simply chopped it in strips and put it in the air fryer.
I ate a couple pieces raw. Sure enough tastes just like cabbage. Air fried was pretty good. I dipped them in salsa for a nice snack.
What’s for breakfast
I hear a lot of questions about what to eat for breakfast. Many standard America diet options are eggs and bacon or full of sugar. Personally I’ve come to realize breakfast is really jusy the first opportunity of the day to nourish my body. So while I have my go to favorites like cereal, oatmeal and smoothies I’ve also been known to have rice and beans or a salad for breakfast. Is it really any different than hearing of people who eat their leftover pizza for breakfast?
But what about plant based doctors? What do they eat? Check out this video to hear directly from some of them.
Quick lunch
Made a quick lunch today. Started out
by having some baked sweet potatoes and cooked quinoa in the fridge. Topped the potato with quinoa, black beans, left over red sauce with veggies and served it for lunch.
Taco Salad
Today’s lunch – taco salad! We had left
over quinoa taco “meat” from dinner last night. Added black beans, salsa and avacado and put it over spinach and broken up tortilla chips. Made a great quick lunch!
Protein sources
A question about protein was posted on the Forks Over Knives Facebook group.
I have been a lurker of this group for a few weeks now and I have learned SO much. Thank you. I am slowly drifting to WFPBNO from vegan. A colleague at work asked me a question that I’d like to pose to the group, because it would help me too and hopefully others. What are your protein sources on this lifestyle diet? Blessings to all.
My answer
That’s a good point. Like at a restaurant where they assemble a bowl in front of you and they use protein synonomously with meat. They ask me which protein would you like.and I’m thinking that bowl already has a ton of protein. People think meat is the only protein. In fact plants have protein And it’s good for you. Animal protein is linked to disease.
In case you think I’m exaggerating the negative effects of animal protein, Dr. Michael Greger puts it this way, “The adverse effects associated with long-term, high protein-high meat diets may include disorders of bone and calcium balance, increased cancer risk, disorders of the liver, and worsening of coronary artery disease.” I encourage you to read his full article and watch related videos on his site. has a nice printable protein page on protein sources. You can read the article And down load the original image here.
A better question for meat eaters is where do they get their fiber. While vegans get all the protein they need from plants, meat eaters on America are on average getting half the finer requirements they have.
The following images also show protein compare to meat.
So not only do plants have protein they also leave out the saturated fat and contain fiber!
One Year WFPB lifestyle
Today, February 18th, 2019, marks my one year anniversary of being fully

Whole Food Plant Based. I have not had animal products including meat, dairy, fish, eggs, etc since a rib I ate on this date a year ago.
As you may know from following this BLOG, my initial transition took several months. In fact as I look back I realize I didn’t even know about WFPB when I started eliminating sugar from my diet in the fall of 2017. I was simply trying to be healthier and lose weight.
Along the way, I replaced sugar filled foods with natural foods like fruit and vegetables. I started eating hummus. I switched to cereals, salad dressing and sauces that didn’t have added sugars.
So when I learned about WFPB the switch made sense. The science backed it up. So on February 18, 2018 I split a plate of ribs with my brother while we were visiting Memphis. Since then I have not eaten any meat or dairy.
I feel great. Have lost weight. My blood numbers are the best they have been since high school. While I didn’t choose this lifestyle for animals or the environment it is nice to know that these benefits exist as well.
If you’d like more information on the Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle feel free to ask, follow this Blog, or look us up on Facebook at Journey to 100 and Beyond Page or Group.
Getting Started
Starting on a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle can be a daunting task. There is a lot of information out there. Navigating the information can be a challenge. We are here to help you get started.
My suggestion if you have not already done so
1) go to and watch intro videos here
2) watch info on daily dozen
3) watch info on green, yellow, red light eating
4) plan nine meals –
5) watch forks over knives on Netflix.
6) watch what the health on Netflix
Is Costco Superfoods Veggie Bowl good?
This question was posted on the Forks Over Knives Facebook group:
From Costco. Is this good/
recommended by y’all?
My response is:
I bought something like that from Costco. Now I’ve found I can make my own better for less. This week I cooked a cup of quinoa, split it into four containers. Then opened three cans of beans: black, pinto and navy. Divided the beans into the four containers. Added chili powder and tumeric and some salsa. I took one for lunch that day and put the other three in the freezer for lunches. You can add other spices, veggies, beans, etc. You can cook the quinoa with lentils.
You can also add corn.
I also added:
To your question of good, youd need to examine the nutrition label for sodium, sugars, fat, etc.
What’s for breakfast
A post on the Forks Over Knives Facebook group stated:
Reading a book by Chef AJ who suggest Veggies for Breakfast. Cannot wrap my mind around this. Any suggestions for delicious meals?
Here is my thoughts on it:
The standard American diet trained us to eat nothing but junk for breakfast. But if we look at breakfasts as an opportunity to nourish our bodies then it frees us to eat anything for breakfast. Out with the donuts and sugary filled cereals. In with fruits, veggies, grains!
To show that I’m consistent and putting my mouth where my words are see these previous posts about this.